Nutritional advice for people infected with Hepatitis C virus

nutrition-hepatitis-cThere is a saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This saying is most relevant for people infected with the Hepatitis C virus since liver is not working properly and needs nutritional help.

One must not forget that breakfast sets the liver’s metabolic pace throughout the day ahead. A balanced combination of good carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, and vitamins and minerals is vital to ensure proper nutrition. This rule is no exception for the breakfast in the Hep C person.

A few reasons to conclude that a healthy, balanced, and nutritious breakfast is of vital importance for anyone infected with Hep C are the following:

Amino acids in the blood are a result of the protein metabolism in the liver and are essential building blocks that help your body create new and healthy liver cells.



Fatty liver is a complication of a Hep C infected liver that is produced by excessive fat found in the bloodstream. This condition can worsen your liver damage caused by the Hep C virus. Therefore, consumption of dietary fiber has been found to help the body process and eliminate an excess of fat in the body.

Consumption of complex carbohydrates (also known as good carbs), and the body’s process of breaking them down into simple sugars in the bloodstream, helps to improve your energy levels. This renewed and improved energy level is useful to combat fatigue which is one of the primary complaints of those infected with the Hep C virus.





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